This week there were some shocking revelations, set ups, and truly emotional moments! The midseason finales are upon us! You can read all of this season's Arrowverse* reviews right here . *Yes, I know Black Lightning is not in the Arrowverse officially. But neither was Supergirl ...until it was. I am including it here for convenience sake. *** Supergirl - Episode 4.08 - "Bunker Hill" I always love Kevin Smith episodes in the Arrowverse automatically. But so far, the best one he did was his very first one - an episode of The Flash called "The Runaway Dinosaur". "Bunker Hill" is the first episode that might even come close. The team finally found out who Agent Libery was, but so did Manchester Black. Him infiltrating Lockwood's home was a fantastic bit of television. Things got very tense. The way they incorporated J'onn's struggle to save Manchester was nice too. Manchester is 100% being used to further J