
Showing posts from June, 2019

Yesterday - Review

Danny Boyle has made some wonderfully entertaining films. 28 Days Later is one of the greatest zombie movies ever made. Slumdog Millionaire is still poignant a decade later. His latest venture Yesterday was worth paying attention to due to the very interesting premise. What if one struggling musician was the only person on Earth to remember the Beatles?

Toy Story 4 - Review

It is very rare to see a fully realized trilogy that ends as close to perfect as can be. Toy Story did that with the beautiful, poignant, and emotional Toy Story 3 . So it was natural to be skeptical about Toy Story 4 's existence. Luckily, most of the fears were unwarranted. Toy Story 4 is a beautiful and worthy entry into the franchise.

Jessica Jones - Season 3 - Review

The first season Jessica Jones  is some of the best television I have ever seen. I've been a fan of the character ever since, in both The Defenders  and the second season of Jessica Jones . The third and final season finally aired, and while she got a complete journey, everything else in the season didn't quite land for it being the last hoorah.

Men In Black: International - Review

Men In Black   used to be king of the summer blockbuster. The franchise has seen diminishing returns since its debut in 1997. The first Will Smith-less entry into the franchise, Men In Black: International  is finally here and it gave us something familiar, but not enough new and fresh to warrant an argument for.

Good Omens - Season 1 - Review

High concept television isn't as hard of a sell it used to be. After all, Game Of Thrones  is high concept, and it was one of the most popular shows of all time. Amazon's newest show, Good Omens  is deep, complex, joyous and absolutely hilarious thanks to its charming cast, brilliant writing, and strong direction. It is one of the strongest word-to-screen adaptations ever, and if you can buy into the concept, you should experience it ASAP.

Godzilla: King Of The Monsters - Review

Godzilla is a property that will never go away. It has been around for decades, and will always be in the pop culture lexicon in some way. The latest version, Godzilla: King Of The Monsters  shows that the franchise still has a bit more work to do.