2021-2022 Arrowverse Roundup - Week 27

This week featured a rapid aging journey.

Below is a breakdown of all of the Arrowverse stuff that aired this week. It is part review, part speculation, part analysis, and part rambling. It is organized in the order they aired throughout the week, so feel free to scroll down to whatever ones you watch. If you want to get caught up, you can use my Arrowverse Viewing Order guide to help you navigate!

The Flash - Episode 8.16 - The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen

This episode had promise by the title and synopsis, but overall failed to deliver. It would have been cool to see him rapidly age physically. Even bring in an older actor if they wanted, until things got fixed. But a few *checks notes* gray hairs on his temples are all we got. There were a few things here that were important, but most of it was filler. This show is running on fumes, I'm not sure how next season is going to go.


The best episode of the week was The Flash. Though it was the only thing on this week.


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