2021 Arrowverse Roundup - Week 18

This week featured cliffhangers galore! Almost all of them ended on some sort of grand action that needs to be resolved next time.

Below is a breakdown of all of the Arrowverse stuff that aired this week. It is part review, part speculation, part analysis, and part rambling. It is organized in the order they aired throughout the week, so feel free to scroll down to whatever ones you watch. If you want to get caught up, you can use my Arrowverse Viewing Order guide to help you navigate!

Legends of Tomorrow - Episode 6.03 - The Ex Factor

I am all in on Legends of Tomorrow. I embrace their ridiculousness. But I just wasn't feeling this one. It served its purpose, and did a lot for Zari as a character. I just didn't gel with the premise.

That's okay, not everything is gonna land 100%. At least some good came out of it. The Sara story had some surprises in it, so that was a positive as well. The planet they are stuck on is full of Ava clones. Is that where they were dumped? Or is there something more going on?
I'm still in awe of all of the the character development that can happen with all the ridiculous plot stuff. That is what I was able to cling to, and it was nice for them to do something meaningful amidst all the fluff.

Batwoman - Episode 2.14 - And Justice For All

There couldn't be a more different Arrowverse contrast between Legends and what comes right after. This show has always dealt with some heavy things, but the end of this episode was completely shocking, and could be triggering for a lot of people.

The episode started right off with a false arrest with racial tensions. It affected Ryan, Luke, and Sophie. The whole episode was them finding their place in that. Then it all came to an head at the end of the episode with Luke being shot when he was trying to prevent a car jacking.

Batwoman has always dealt with current social issues, but no episode did it more than this one, which has been one of the most shocking cliffhangers in all of the Arrowverse. This will most likely be the beginning of Luke's journey in becoming Batwing, but what an origin story that is. Batwoman is going on a small hiatus, but it should come back with a vengeance when it does.

Black Lightning - Episode 4.12 - The Book of Resurrection: Chapter One

The penultimate episode of Black Lightning felt like a finale in many ways. It also, like Batwoman before it, ended in a shocking cliffhanger. A powerless Jefferson and Tobias went head to head, and it looks like Tobias finally got one over on him, and killed Jefferson. It's Tobias's world, and everybody else is just living in it.

I highly doubt that the death will stick, as I'm sure they will want to have Jefferson appear in other Arrowverse shows in the future, but you never know. The Pierce family never can catch a break, so its not an automatic guarantee that they will get a happy ending.

Its sad to see this show come to an end next week, but hopefully they can stick the landing. The show deserves that at the very least. I'm sure Covid hindered their plans, but I hope they are able to make it work anyway.


The Flash - Episode 7.10 - Family Matters Part 1

The power forces story line is strange, but I am trying to give it a chance. The different dynamics between all of them keeps things interesting, but we need to see where the endgame of all this is gonna go.
Each force is interesting in their own way. They are all charismatic and have some unique depth so that's good they they are distinct at least. But the speed force being the villain is not something I would have imagined.
Cisco leaving Central City is still a lingering thread. He hasn't told anyone yet, and still doesn't know what he wants to do with all of the skills that he has. This season is going to be a little shorter than usual, so it will be interesting to see how the rest of the season is paced.

Superman & Lois - Episode 1.06 - Broken Trust


The triumphant return of the Man of Steel is upon us, and the show continues to impress. The kids storylines are as compelling as Lois and Clark's, and that is rare for a superhero show like this. But the whole thing continues to be vastly information.

Jordan is still battling with his powers, and there is a very poignant scene with Jordan unleashing his powers into the hands of his father on the football field. The look of pain on Clark's face is everything. Not physical pain, he can handle it of course, more the emotional empathetic pain he feels for his son. It was a great moment.

This episode ended on something of a cliffhanger too, with Jordan having a fit over his powers and Clark rushing him to the fortress. Luckily we don't have to wait long, as a new episode comes next week (directed by Arrow's David Ramsey!)

The best episode of the week was Batwoman. They are doing some serious work on this show.


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