2021 Arrowverse Roundup - Week 04
This week we got to journey back to Freeland and check in on the Pierce family on the Black Lightning season premiere!
is a breakdown of all of the Arrowverse stuff that aired this week. It
is part review, part speculation, part analysis, and part rambling. It
is organized in the order they aired throughout the week, so feel free
to scroll down to whatever ones you watch. If you want to get caught up,
you can use my Arrowverse Viewing Order guide to help you navigate!
Black Lightning - Episode 4.01 - The Book of Reconstruction: Chapter One
The aftermath of the battle in season has left scars all through out the Pierce family and Freeland. Henderson is dead. There is new power in charge, and the family seems irrevocably broken.
Lynn and Jeff are still fighting, as they both want different things. Jeff refuses to put his suit back on, and that will have consequences for later. His daughters took up the mantle, but things are better when he's out there with them.
Anissa still spends a lot of time at Grace's bedside and Jenn is urging her to let go. Jenn is becoming more and more reckless and the divide between the entire family is becoming larger.
Gambi is being courted by someone from his past. The happy family they have had in Freeland is slowly dwindling away. Especially now with the new police chief suspicious of Jefferson.
Jefferson is being wreckless too, using his powers without his suit. This family has massive PTSD, and are all dealing with it in different ways. Lynn is back on drugs, though not the same stuff she was addicted to last year. She is now injecting herself with powers in order to help out where Jeff won't. It makes for fun TV, seeing a "flavor of the week" power every time. But it will have dire consequences.
The final season of Black Lightning is off to a strong start. This show tells stories unlike anyone else in the Arrowverse. It will be missed when its gone.
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