2018-2019 Arrowverse Roundup - Week 16 Review

Supergirl is flying solo this week, so that is all that you will find below. It was a pretty big episode though. A lot of set ups for things to come.

You can read all of this season's Arrowverse reviews right here.


Supergirl - Episode 4.12 - "Menagerie"

This episode was the first episode of Supergirl in a few weeks, and it didn't ease us in. Instead, it went full steam ahead, planting a ton of seeds for the future. Everyone had something interesting and important to do, and the contributions did not go unnoticed.

The main plot centered around a symbiote. The DEO was working it from angle, and J'onn and Kara were working it from another. It was a great way to get the story to focus on the same case, instead of having a useless b-plot. Not only that, but the "monster of the week" isn't a one time thing. The end of the episode set her up to be part of something bigger.

Lena and James's relationship went kaboom. Lena is about to walk down a dark path, and with the impending arrival of her infamous brother, it could not have come at a worse time. It does feel like they don't know what to do with James anymore, but this is early stages - perhaps it is best not to judge yet.

Agent Liberty returned, and was freed from prison after winning over the President. All of the things planted earlier in the season are coming back. Lockwood has officially radicalized his wife and son, and that will be the key. Supergirl saw Lockwood's son front and center, and her refusal to fight children will be the key they need to get a leg up.

Nia officially became Dreamer. Her suit looks great, and her journey in becoming a fully fledged superhero has begun. It does make you wonder how long it'll last - Supergirl's allies usually don't last very long.

It is great that they have found a way to incorporate J'onn into the story again. He was on the outskirts since he left the DEO, but they have found ways to make him integral to the story again. He is a big part of the show, and it doesn't feel the same without him.

Relationships were big too, for their Valentines Day episode. Kara having to retool her relationship with her sister, in order to help protect the lie of her not being Supergirl was a pretty selfless act on her end. Nia and Brainy keep treading on the outskirts of a relationship, but he is coming around to her. Lena and James broke up, and America fell in love with the Children Of Liberty. So there was a ton of relationship work done, and none of it felt empty. All of those threads felt important in the grand scheme of things.

It was nice to get a Winn mention again. It would be fun to see him pop up again, maybe for the finale or something. But Brainy was a suitable replacement. He is a lot of fun to watch.

Overall, a strong return with an episode that looks like will prove vitally important for the remainder of the season.


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